Giuseppe La Spada is an interdisciplinary artist whose research explores the human-nature relationship, with the aim of sensitising the public to environmental issues. In particular, the water element flows throughout his entire artistic practice, becoming each time the subject or the context, at times even the medium.
Always interested in the synesthetic experiences resulting from the interplay between artistic languages, today he focuses on photography, video and installations - three-dimensional, interactive or process-based.
Art, spirituality and sustainability are woven together into his works through a relentless research on the human existence on the planet Earth. For him, Art should be functional and develop into a ‘social architecture’. For this reason, his practice also includes conferences and participatory projects geared towards the young generations, aimed at fostering a new ecological awareness.
Born in 1974 in Palermo, he grows up in Milazzo.
In 2002 he graduates with honors in Digital Design at Istituto Europeo di Design in Rome, where he remains as a professor until 2004. In 2006,
he is awarded the prize for best career in Visual Arts by the same institution.
In 2007 he wins the prestigious Webby Award for the netart category, with the website Mono No Aware, an ecological web project to support the project Stop Rokkasho founded by Oscar winner Ryuichi Sakamoto.
In 2008 he works alongside Sakamoto and Fennesz on the Cendre tournèe, ending with the unforgettable final show at Ground Zero, New York.
In 2009 he worked on Afleur, an art project that later on resulted into a live show and an ecological object-book (2010). The work was also a part of the art exhibition Digitalife 2, among the works of Marina Abramovic, Christian Marclay, Carsten Nicolai, Ryoichi Kurokawa and many other eminent contemporary artist. His photo was chosen as the rappresentative picture of the event.
In 2011 he stages an impressive tree in Piazza Duomo, Milan with the participation of more than 600 people, to raise public awareness on the problem of pollution.
In 2012 he curates With All Your Senses, an event for Ca' Del Bosco where he creates an interactive multisensorial artwork well appreciated by critics and press. In the same year, alongside Ryuichi Sakamoto, he created the video Hana no ame for the project Kizuna World in order to fundraise for Japan Earthquake victims.
In 2014 his digital manipulation is exhibited in Tate Loud Collective, at Tate Britain.
In 2015 his artwork Migrants is digitally displayed at Louvre, Exposure Award, while in October of the same year the artist presents Sublimis, at Triennale, Milano. This interdisciplinary project related to Humans and Water is developed in collaboration with established international scientists and artists, as Ryuichi Sakamoto who created for the occasion the indent music composition Shizen no Koe. The same project is also presented in Seaport Museum, New York, in 2016.
In 2016 the Ecomuseo del Mare in Palermo hosts his solo exhibition, Underwater.
In 2017 Shizen no Koe, his interactive water installation, is displayed during 'Festival for the Earth' at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco in the presence of HSH Prince Albert II.
In 2018 he takes part in Idesign show, Manifesta 12 Collateral in Palermo with Fluctus, a huge plastic installation. In the same year, his work is also featured in the exhibition Re-Use, among artists as Man Ray, Duchamp, Manzoni, Christo, Pistoletto, Penone, Tony Cragg, Damien Hirst. [etc.]
In 2019 he exhibited the project 'Trajectories Liquid' with photos of world ski champion Federica Brignone, portrayed while skiing underwater. From the same year, he directed Franco Battiato's video 'Torneremo ancora'.In 2020 he conceived “Being Ecosophy” for the Creval Foundation, a digital platform hosting artworks and educational tools aimed at creating a new ecology of thought. In 2022 he collaborates on the sound installation “Playback” curated by Ryuichi Sakamoto for the Dumb Type collective, an installation featured at both the Japan Pavilion of the “59th Venice Biennale,” the “Haus der Kunst” museum in Munich and the “Artizon” museum in Tokyo.
In 2023 he exhibited a retrospective at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Alcamo and the International Center of Photography 'Letizia Battaglia' in Palermo, of 2024 solo exhibitions at the “Palazzo della Cultura” in Catania and the Italian Cultural Institute in Belgrade, Serbia and the installation in Indonesia at the World Water Forum made with the Global Network of Water Museums (UNESCO-IHP).
Global Network of Water Museums (UNESCO-IHP Art Director since 2017.
Member of The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (New York).
Currently, he lives and works in Sicily embracing his relentless research on the human-nature relationship as both an aesthetic artistic mission and a truly ethic one, with the aim of giving a real contribution to the human society.
• Member of The International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences (New York)
• Contract Professor of Digital Animation at Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera (Milan) 2010 - 2019
• Contract Professor of Art Direction for Photography at Istituto Europeo di Design (Milan) 2011 - 2022
Exhibitions Solo shows:
• Acqua e Donna | 27.03 to 19.04.2024 | Italian Cultural Institute • Belgrade (SRB)
• Acqua e Donna | 18.01 to 31.01.2024 | Palazzo della Cultura • Catania (ITA)
• Acqua e Donna | 09.11 to 11.12.2023 | Centro Internazionale di Fotografia • Palermo (ITA)
• Umi No Ne | 25.08 to 30.09.2023 | Museo Arte Contemporanea • Alcamo (ITA)
• Traiettorie Liquide | 06 to 07.11.2019 | Museum Oceanographic in the presence of HSH Prince Albert II • Monaco (FRA)
• Traiettorie Liquide | 24.10 to 04.11.2019 | Festival della Scienza Galata Museo del Mare • Genova(ITA)
• Traiettorie Liquide | 04.10.2019 | Festival dello sport • Trento (ITA)
• Traiettorie Liquide | 09.07 to 19.07.2019 | Banca Generali • Bologna (ITA)
• Traiettorie Liquide | 10.06 to 02.07.2019 | Banca Generali • Torino (ITA)
• Traiettorie Liquide | 23.05 to 03.06.2019 | Banca Generali • Roma (ITA)
• Fluctus | 02.08 to 02.09.2018 | Duomo Antico • Milazzo (ITA)
• Mare Nero | 02.02 to 19.02.2018 | Palazzo Muzio - Fai Sondrio + AmyD Gallery • Sondrio (ITA)
• In a Changing sea | 10.11 to 11.11.2017 | Museum Oceanographic - NM Contemporary Gallery (double solo) • Monaco (FRA) (double solo)
• Shizen no Koe | 11.11.2017 | Museum Oceanographic in the presence of HSH Prince Albert II • Monaco (FRA) (double solo)
• In a Changing sea | 09.03 to 12.03.2017 | Mia Fair Milano - AmyD Gallery • Milano (ITA)
• La luna e il mare | 13.07 to 31.08.2017 | Luisa Catucci Gallery - Berlin (GER) (double solo)
• Underwater | 17.05 to 29.05.2016 | Eco Museo del Mare • Palermo (ITA)
• Sublimis Preview | 25.04.2016 | South Street SeaPort Museum • New York (USA)
• Ab Origine | 10.02 to 15.04.2016 | Porto4 • Marghera (ITA)
• Sublimis | 19.10 to 28.10.2015 | Triennale Museum • Milan (ITA)
• Underwater | 07 2014| Marina Corta • Lipari (ITA)
• Sicily goes by | 07 2012 | Castello di Spadadofora (ITA)
• Underwater | 3.12.2011 to 31.3.2012 | 7.24x0.26 Gallery • Milano (ITA)
• Sicily goes by | 1.10 to 31.10 2007 | Trump Taj Mahal • Atlantic City (USA)
Group shows:
• Paris Photo OFF | 09.11 to 11.11.2018 | Galerie Joseph Turenne • Paris (FRA)
• Etherea | 08.11 to 16.11.2018 | Mediateca Santa Caterina • Milano (ITA)
• In a Changing Sea | 27.10.2018 to 10.02.2019 | Museo Casa Robegan - Treviso Ricerca Arte • Treviso (ITA)
• Mare Nero In a Changing sea | 25.10 to 04.11.2018 | Festival della Scienza - Fai + AmyD Gallery • Genova (ITA)
• Fluctus | 25.10 to 04.11.2018 | Santa Maria dello Spasimo - I Design Manifesta12 collateral • Palermo (ITA)
• Intelligenze Marine | 15.09 to 25.09.2018 | Palazzo Ducale • Genova (ITA)
• Natura Mirabilis | 24.08 to 30.09.2018 | Luisa Catucci Gallery • Berlin (GER)
• Wave | 16.07 to 22.07.2018 | Voies Off Festival - Imagenation • Arles (FRA)
• Fall | 06.06 to 10.06.2018 | Paratissima Art Fair - Imagenation • Milano (ITA)
• Wave | 11.05 to 13.05.2018 | International Photo Exposition - Imagenation • Paris (FRA)
• Various Artworks | 09.03 to 12.03.2018 | Mia Fair Milano - Luisa Catucci Gallery • Berlin (GER)
• Mare Sopra Mare Sotto | 26.05 to 26.05.2017 | Acquario Civico • Milano (ITA)
• Artists4Whale | 2.06 to 18.06.2017 | Forte Santa Tecla • Sanremo (ITA)
• Exposure Award | 13.07.2015 | Louvre • Paris (FRA)
• Tate Loud Collective | 8.11.2014 | Tate Britain • London (UK)
• Between VISUAL and SPATIAL | 10.02 to 11.02.2012 | • Tokyo (JAP)
• Digital Life 2 | 26.10 to 11.12 2011 | Ex Gil • Roma (ITA)

Arte, Spiritualità, Sostenibilità
02.09.2019 | Marevivo Sicilia • Eraclea Minoa (ITA)
15.04.2019 | Multhesius Kunsthochchule • Kiel (GER)
20.03.2019 | Facoltà di Architettura • Palermo (ITA)
15.12.2016 | Villa Napoleonica • Porto San Giorgio (ITA)
4.10.2016 | Camera Dei Deputati • Roma (ITA)
2016 | Studio Porto 4 • Marghera (ITA)
We Are Drops
06.11.2019 | Festival for the Earth • Sanremo (ITA)
25.04.2018 | Gigliopoli • Milazzo (ITA)
11.2018 – 02.2019 | Scuola San Giuseppe • Macerata (ITA)
28.04.2018 | Ignatianum • Messina (ITA)
27.04.2018 | ITTC Leonardo Da Vinci • Milazzo (ITA)
21.04.2018 | Spazio Loc • Capo d’Orlando (ITA)
23.03.2018 | Auditorium • Seregno (ITA)
Marine Litter: Le specie Aliene siamo noi with Dr. Marco Faimali, CNR IAS Genova
23.11.2019 | Focus Live • Museo Della Scienza e della Tecnologia Milano (ITA)
26.09.2019 | Salone Nautico • Genova (ITA)
04.2019 | La Storia in piazza • Palazzo Ducale Genova (ITA)
06.2018 | Nave Marina Militare V.Fasan • La Spezia (ITA)
06.2018 | Acquario Romano • Roma (ITA)
04.2018 | Spazio Loc • Capo d’Orlando (ITA)
03.2018 | Villa Durazzo • Santa Margherita Ligure (ITA)
01.2018 | Museo Galata • Genova (ITA)
Other lectures were held at Università IULM, Camera dei Deputati,
Facoltà di Architettura ValleGiulia di Roma, Università Iuav di Venezia,
Università Iuav di Venezia - Facoltà di Design e Arti,
Triennale di Milano, Università Cattolica Milano, Università di Industrial Design
e della Moda di Napoli 'Luigi Vanvitelli'.
Honours and Awards
2021 STROMBOLI AWARD “Media Performance”
2018 ISOLE EOLIE Recognition Plate
2013 MEDIMEX 2013 Nomination
2013 WORLD MUSIC AWARDS ' World’s Best Video' Nomination
2012 ADCI 'Design' Shortlist
2011 MEDIASTARS for 'Creative Direction'
2010 MEDIASTARS for 'Creative Direction'
2009 ADCI 'Integrated Media Category' Shortlist
2009 ADCI 'Social Media Category' Shortlist
2009 CELESTE PRIZE 'Live Media' Shortlist
2009 IMA Outstanding Achievement 'Advocacy Category'
2008 EPICA AWARDS Bronze 'Consumer Sites'
2007 WEBBY AWARDS 'PV Net Art Category'
2007 ADCI Silver Award 'Web site Category'
2007 MEDIASTARS for 'Creative Direction'
2006 ISTITUTO EUROPEO DI DESIGN (Rome) 'Best Visual Art Career'
2006 ITALIAN WEB AWARDS 'Best Art Direction'
2006 ITALIAN WEB AWARDS 'Site of the year' nomination
2006 BARDIWEB 'Best personal site'
2006 MEDIASTARS for 'Creative Direction'
2003 FLASHFESTIVAL 'Audience Award'
2003 AMERICAN DESIGN AWARD 'Platinum Winner'
2003 ITALIAN WEB AWARDS 'shortlist
2010 - 2024 WEBBY AWARDS
2017 ADCI 'Photography' Category (Milan)
2013 ADCI 'Digital' Category (Rimini)
2012 ADCI 'Live Advertising' Category (Milan)
2011 ADCI 'Design' Category (Milan)
2010 ADC*E Digital & Interactive Category (Barcelona)
2009 ROMA EUROPA WEB FACTORY 'Video Art' E-guide
︎ Dossier with Press and Project (ENG Pdf)
︎ Dossier con Rassegna stampa e Progetti (ITA Pdf)